Ero sivun ”Toistinaseman mainostaminen APRS-asemille” versioiden välillä

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Rivi 4: Rivi 4:

''"Tervetuloa OH6RUC toistinaseman kuuluvuusalueelle OH6KTT. Minä olen Kaustisen OH6RUC toistinasema taajuudella 434.900 MHz. Ripiitterierotukseni on -2 MHz. Toistan. Ripiitterierotus on -2 MHz. Automaattinen tiedote ripiitteriä lähestyville APRS-asemille päättyy."''
''"Tervetuloa OH6RUC toistinaseman kuuluvuusalueelle OH6KTT. Minä olen Kaustisen OH6RUC toistinasema taajuudella 434.900 MHz. Ripiitterierotukseni on -2 MHz. Toistan. Ripiitterierotus on -2 MHz. Automaattinen tiedote ripiitteriä lähestyville APRS-asemille päättyy."''
Sama scripti pitää logia suoraan RF:llä kuulluista APRS-asemista.
Ideoita jatkokehitystä varten:
* 2m tropokelit on mahdollista havaita suoraan RF:llä kuulluista asemista
* Pitkän historian avulla db:stä voisi saada selville digiripiitterin kuuntelukyky eri ilmansuuntiin


Versio 20. joulukuuta 2010 kello 02.21

Scripti joka tutkii ajastettuna OH6RUC toistimen linuxissa aprx ohjelman tekemää /tmp/aprx-rf.log tiedostoa. Jos logissa näkyy APRS-asema joka on lähempänä kuin 30km OH6RUC toistinta ja kyseistä APRS-asemaa ei ole kuultu edellisen 24h kuluessa, ja toistin on vapaana, scripti aukaisee toistimen ja mainostaa iseaään APRS-asemalle puheella. Puhe generoidaan festival puhesyntetisaattorilla.

"Tervetuloa OH6RUC toistinaseman kuuluvuusalueelle OH6KTT. Minä olen Kaustisen OH6RUC toistinasema taajuudella 434.900 MHz. Ripiitterierotukseni on -2 MHz. Toistan. Ripiitterierotus on -2 MHz. Automaattinen tiedote ripiitteriä lähestyville APRS-asemille päättyy."

Sama scripti pitää logia suoraan RF:llä kuulluista APRS-asemista.

Ideoita jatkokehitystä varten:

  • 2m tropokelit on mahdollista havaita suoraan RF:llä kuulluista asemista
  • Pitkän historian avulla db:stä voisi saada selville digiripiitterin kuuntelukyky eri ilmansuuntiin
#!/usr/bin/php -q
    aprs-repeater-advertiser.php v1.08 - repeater advertiser to APRS users
    Copyright (C) 2010  Kari Karvonen <>

    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    (at your option) any later version.

    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    GNU General Public License for more details.

    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    along with this program.  If not, see <>.

$debug		= 0; /* 0 = no debug, 1 = little debug, 2 = more debug */
$aprxrflogfile 	= "/tmp/aprx-rf.log";
$stationdbfile	= "/tmp/oh6ruc-aprs-db.txt";
$repeater_call  = "OH6RUC"; /* need to match aprs-rf.log */
$repeater_lat	= "63.53666";
$repeater_lon	= "23.69180";
$floodprotect	= 60*60*24; /* after this time old station will be notified again. Seconds. */
$maxdistance	= 30; /* km */
$maxloglines    = 1000; /* max loglines to analyze (tail) */
$denytxfile	= "/tmp/ptt-on"; /* if this file exist, no advertises will be send */
$prefixwave	= "/opt/thelinkbox/wav/aprs-repeater-advertiser-1.wav"; /* wave before callsigns */
$suffixwave	= "/opt/thelinkbox/wav/aprs-repeater-advertiser-2.wav"; /* wave after callsigns */
$tempwavetxt 	= "/tmp/aprs-repeater-advertiser.txt";
$tempwave 	= "/tmp/aprs-repeater-advertiser.wav";
$repeatedmatch  = ",OH"; /* if this is exists on path (eg APRS,OH6RUC*,OH8RDU*,WIDE) assume packet digirepeated and discard it */

/* code begins */
$parserdb	= array();
$victims	= array();
$stationdb	= unserialize(@file_get_contents($stationdbfile));
if (empty($stationdb)) $stationdb = array();
$aprxrflog 	= @file($aprxrflogfile);
if ($aprxrflog == false) die("Cannot open $aprxrflogfile\n");

function min_to_dec($deg, $min, $decsec) {
        return($deg/1.0 + $min/60.0 + $decsec/10000.0);

function latlongbearing($lat1, $lon1, $lat2, $lon2) {
        $lat1 = deg2rad($lat1);
        $lat2 = deg2rad($lat2);
        $lon1 = deg2rad ($lon1);
        $lon2 = deg2rad ($lon2);
        $dLon = $lon2-$lon1;
        $y = sin($dLon) * cos($lat2);
        $x = cos($lat1) * sin($lat2) - sin($lat1)*cos($lat2)*cos($dLon);
        $bearrad = atan2($y, $x);
        $beardeg = (rad2deg($bearrad)+360)%360;
        return ($beardeg);

function decimal_distance($lat1 = "", $lon1 = "", $lat2 = "", $lon2 = "") {
        $radius = 6371;
        $lat1 = deg2rad ($lat1);
        $lat2 = deg2rad ($lat2);
        $lon1 = deg2rad ($lon1);
        $lon2 = deg2rad ($lon2);
        $dlon = $lon2-$lon1;
        $dlat = $lat2-$lat1;
        $sinlat = sin($dlat/2);
        $sinlon = sin($dlon/2);
        $a = ($sinlat * $sinlat) + cos($lat1) * cos($lat2) * ($sinlon*$sinlon);
        $c = 2 * asin(min(1,sqrt($a)));
        $d = $radius * $c;
        return round($d,2);

function callsign2finnish($callsign) {
	$chartospeech = array();
	$chartospeech["-"] = "viiva";
	$chartospeech["a"] = "aa";
	$chartospeech["b"] = "bee";
	$chartospeech["c"] = "see";
	$chartospeech["d"] = "dee";
	$chartospeech["e"] = "ee";
	$chartospeech["f"] = "äf";
	$chartospeech["g"] = "gee";
	$chartospeech["h"] = "hoo";
	$chartospeech["i"] = "hee";
	$chartospeech["j"] = "jii";
	$chartospeech["k"] = "koo";
	$chartospeech["l"] = "äl";
	$chartospeech["m"] = "äm";
	$chartospeech["n"] = "äm";
	$chartospeech["o"] = "oo";
	$chartospeech["p"] = "pee";
	$chartospeech["q"] = "kuu";
	$chartospeech["r"] = "är";
	$chartospeech["s"] = "äs";
	$chartospeech["t"] = "tee";
	$chartospeech["u"] = "uu";
	$chartospeech["v"] = "vee";
	$chartospeech["w"] = "tuplavee";
	$chartospeech["x"] = "äks";
	$chartospeech["y"] = "yy";
	$chartospeech["z"] = "tseta";
	$chartospeech["å"] = "oo";
	$chartospeech["ä"] = "ää";
	$chartospeech["ö"] = "öö";
	$chartospeech["1"] = "yks";
	$chartospeech["2"] = "kaks";
	$chartospeech["3"] = "kol";
	$chartospeech["4"] = "nel";
	$chartospeech["5"] = "viis";
	$chartospeech["6"] = "kuus";
	$chartospeech["7"] = "seiska";
	$chartospeech["8"] = "kasi";
	$chartospeech["9"] = "ysi";
	$chartospeech["0"] = "nolla";
	$msg = "";
	for ($tmp = 0; $tmp < strlen($callsign); $tmp++) {
		$character = substr($callsign, $tmp, 1);
                /* don't say -9 */
		if ($character == "-") {
		        return $msg;
		$vocal = $chartospeech[$character];
		$msg.= $vocal;		
	return ($msg);

$aprxrfloglen = count($aprxrflog);
if ($aprxrfloglen > $maxloglines) $loglinestart = $aprxrfloglen-$maxloglines; else $loglinestart=0;
if ($debug>1) echo "aprxrfloglen $aprxrfloglen maxloglines $maxloglines loglinestart $loglinestart\n";

for ($tmp = $loglinestart; $tmp < $aprxrfloglen; $tmp++) {
        $line = $aprxrflog[$tmp];
        if (preg_match('/^([0-9]{4})-([0-9]{2})-([0-9]{2}) ([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{3}) '.$repeater_call.'    R (.+)>(.+):\!(.+)/', $line, $matches)) {
                $callsign = strtolower(trim($matches[8]));
                if (strpos($callsign,">")) {
                        /* Callsign parse failed (ugly trace packets) */
			if ($debug>1) echo "Ugly callsign $callsign. Discard.\n";
                if (strstr($matches[9],$repeatedmatch)) {
                	/* digirepeated patcket, discard */
			if ($debug>1) echo "Digirepeated packet. Discard.\n";
                if (preg_match('/([0-9]{2})([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{1,})N(.{1})([0-9]{3})([0-9]{2}).([0-9]{1,})E/', $matches[10], $plaincoords)) {
                        /* coordinates are plain format */
                        $coordtype = "plain";
                        $lat = min_to_dec($plaincoords[1], $plaincoords[2], $plaincoords[3]);
                        $long = min_to_dec(intval($plaincoords[5]), $plaincoords[6], $plaincoords[7]);
                } else {
                        /* coordinates are packed */            
                        $coordtype = "packed";
                        $y1 = ord(substr($matches[10],1,1));
                        $y2 = ord(substr($matches[10],2,1));
                        $y3 = ord(substr($matches[10],3,1));
                        $y4 = ord(substr($matches[10],4,1));
                        $x1 = ord(substr($matches[10],5,1));
                        $x2 = ord(substr($matches[10],6,1));
                        $x3 = ord(substr($matches[10],7,1));
                        $x4 = ord(substr($matches[10],8,1));
                        $lat = 90 - (($y1-33) * 91*91*91 + ($y2-33) * 91*91 + ($y3-33) * 91 + $y4-33) / 380926;
                        $long = -180 + (($x1-33) * 91*91*91 + ($x2-33) * 91*91 + ($x3-33) * 91 + $x4-33) / 190463;
                $distance = decimal_distance($repeater_lat, $repeater_lon, $lat, $long);
		$bearing = latlongbearing($repeater_lat, $repeater_lon, $lat, $long);
                $lastheard = mktime($matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[1]);
                $parserdb[$callsign] = array("lastheard" => $lastheard, "distance" => $distance, "bearing" => $bearing, "lat" => $lat, "long" => $long, "coordtype" => $coordtype);

foreach ($parserdb as $callsign => $attcheddata) {
	$distance = $attcheddata["distance"];
	$lastheard = $attcheddata["lastheard"];
	$lat = $attcheddata["lat"];
	$long = $attcheddata["long"];
	$coordtype = $attcheddata["coordtype"];
	$bearing = $attcheddata["bearing"];
	$lastheardtxt = date("r", $lastheard);
	$advertisedtime = $stationdb[$callsign]["advertisedtime"];
	if ($debug>0) echo "Call $callsign. Lat $lat. Long $long. Coordtype $coordtype. Distance $distance. Bearing $bearing. Lastheard $lastheardtxt. Advertised $advertisedtime ";
	if (array_key_exists($callsign, $stationdb)) {
		if ($debug>0) echo "Found from stationdb. ";
		if ($advertisedtime < (time()-$floodprotect) && $lastheard>$stationdb[$callsign]["lastheard"]) {
		        if ($debug>0) echo "Floodprotect disabled. ";
		        if ($distance < $maxdistance) {
				/* Exists in stationdb. Too old and inside circle */
				if ($debug>0) echo "Inside circle $maxdistance km cicle. Add to victims.";
				$victims[] = $callsign;
				$advertisedtime = time();
			} else {
				/* Station too far */
				if ($debug>0) echo "Outside circle $maxdistance km circle. Skip.";
		} else {
		        if ($debug>0) echo "Floodprotect enabled. ";
	} else {
		if ($debug>0) echo "Not found from stationdb. ";
		if ($distance < $maxdistance) {
			if ($debug>0) echo "Inside ${maxdistance}km circle. Add to victims.";
			$victims[] = $callsign;
			$advertisedtime = time();
		} else {
			if ($debug>0) echo "Outside ${maxdistance}km circle. Skip.";
	$stationdb[$callsign]["lastheard"] = $lastheard;
	$stationdb[$callsign]["distance"] = $distance;
	$stationdb[$callsign]["bearing"] = $bearing;
	$stationdb[$callsign]["lat"] = $lat;
	$stationdb[$callsign]["long"] = $long;
	$stationdb[$callsign]["coordtype"] = $coordtype;
        $stationdb[$callsign]["advertisedtime"] = $advertisedtime; 
	if ($debug>0) echo "\n";

if ($debug>0) echo "Updating $stationdbfile\n";
file_put_contents($stationdbfile, serialize($stationdb));

$msg = "";
if (count($victims) == 0) {
        /* do nothing */
} else {
        if (!file_exists($denytxfile)) {
                foreach ($victims as $victim) {
                        $msg .= callsign2finnish($victim).", ";
                $msg = substr($msg,0,-2);
                if ($debug>0) echo "$msg\n";
                if ($debug<1) file_put_contents($tempwavetxt, utf8_decode($msg));
                if ($debug<1) system("/usr/bin/text2wave -F 8000 < ".$tempwavetxt." -o ".$tempwave);
                if ($debug<1) system("/usr/sbin/tlbcmd \"port OH6RUC-Kaustinen; say -c ".$prefixwave."; say -c ".$tempwave."; say -c ".$suffixwave."\"");                
        } else {
                if ($debug>0) echo "Cannot advertise. Advertises denied by $denytxfile lock file.\n";

Tämä scripti on ajastettu crontabissa

# Katsotaan onko kuuluvuusalueella uusia APRS-asemia ja mainostetaan jos on
4,8,12,16,20,24,28,32,36,40,44,48,52,56 * * * * tlb /opt/thelinkbox/scripts/aprs-repeater-advertiser.php > /dev/null